Universal Sieger

But there were still surprises to come. In September 2002, just before his fourth birthday, Dasko became the Universal Sieger of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America – Working Dog Association at the Universal Sieger Show held at the Podium Schutzhund Club, under SV Koermeister Joachim Bratke and WDA Judge Mike West.

Little did I know when I picked up for the first time that eight week old puppy in Neuss, Germany, that he was destined to become the Universal Sieger in the United States.

Jutta and Dasko
The bond of love between Jutta and Dasko, who worked as a team for fun for endless hours, had paid off. And Hardy’s experience, instruction, and guidance had been critical. And the friendly atmosphere of the Podium Schutzhund Club had been important during the training. And the wonderful conformation handlers -- Kees Duyndam, Sabine Ernsting, Kerstin Wende, Petra Schiller – had all been intrinsic to Dasko’s success. And, of course, the careful years of breeding of Margit van Dorssen had once more resulted in a remarkable German Shepherd Dog!

We also want to thank Margaret Saliba for preparing such a wonderful website.

The End